School Discpline

As long as students are growing in the HSCA Honor code, discipline should be infrequent, and students should follow instruction when corrected.

When students repeatedly fall short, the HSCA faculty and administration determine all consequences for misbehavior and, at their discretion, involve a parent. Consequences for misbehavior may include time off recess, additional cleaning, or other consequences. Consequences are geared toward addressing the infraction. For example, a student has time off recess in order to complete the homework that was due in class.

If there is a serious breach of the Honor Code, the administration will sit-down with the student to remind him that the Honor Code is non-negotiable and is required for attendance. The parent will also be informed. If misbehavior continues, consequences may include suspension up to dismissal.

To ensure the student adheres to the Honor Code and ethos of the Academy,  the school asks parents to help on such occasions when the student has fallen short and needs to rectify their habits. Likewise, parents are welcome to ask the staff at Hagia Sophia to help a student solidify a habit he is struggling with at home. We are a team working in our respective purviews for the salvation of the child.

To communicate when a serious issue has arisen, the school may give a certain slip to identify the issue. Pink Slips are given when behavior has crossed the line; a green slip is given when the student habitually violates the dress code. Conversely, if a student excels in a particular virtue, they are given a white slip to honor that student. In all cases, slips are to be signed by the faculty member, student, and parents.